Hotel Cafe

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Susana Ballesteros with Luis Gallo

Hotel Cafe 1623 N Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles

“Since 2014, Susana’s voice has become a national and Latin American sonic treasure.” Diario Clarín With a voice that is as captivating as it is heartfelt, Susana Ballesteros has carved […]



Hotel Cafe 1623 N Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles

On February 2nd, ZÓRA, the 27-year-old award-winning Hungarian-American singer-songwriter, returns to The Hotel Café with an intimate, raw performance of her timeless songs, following her recent performances in some of […]


LA Wildfire Benefit Concert

Hotel Cafe 1623 N Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles

The Zoë Kilgren Band (ZKB) is a genre-bending rock quartet captivating the indie music scene with their dynamic sound and heartfelt performances. Their latest single, "All The Time," released on […]
